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發(fā)布日期:2014-07-08 點(diǎn)擊:2608

    全球紡織采購供應鏈色彩解決方案商——天友利,近幾年來(lái),越來(lái)越多的頂尖零售商和服裝品牌廠(chǎng)家選擇天友利作為自己的優(yōu)選或共選色彩技術(shù)提供商。產(chǎn)品涉及行業(yè):塑料、 涂料、 紡織、 汽車(chē)、 化妝品、 數碼影像、 印前 、印刷、 油墨、 色覺(jué)測試、 包裝等。日本日本(日本)便攜式色差計.
目的 用脈沖式分光光度法觀(guān)察肝切除圍手術(shù)期肝功能的變化,進(jìn)一步研究此變化與腫瘤及被切除的肝組織體積之間的關(guān)系。方法 肝癌病人18例(31-67歲),分別于術(shù)前、術(shù)后第3天和第7天用脈動(dòng)光密度儀測定血漿吲哚氰綠清除率(K)。病人接受常規的部分肝切除術(shù),被切除的肝臟組織塊和腫瘤本身的體積由水排法測定,腫瘤周?chē)M織的體積為前兩者之差。對術(shù)后ICG K值較術(shù)前的變化與腫瘤和腫瘤周?chē)M織體積比,以及瘤周組織本身的體積之間進(jìn)行了相關(guān)性分析。結果 肝部分切除后,ICG K 值由術(shù)前的0.192±0.021下降至術(shù)后第3天的0.135±0.019(P<0.01), 術(shù)后第7天仍保持在一個(gè)較低的水平(0.144±0.025,P<0.05),而術(shù)后兩次的測得值之間沒(méi)有明顯差異。術(shù)后第7天ICG K值的變化與腫瘤和瘤周肝組織的體積比之間呈直線(xiàn)相關(guān)關(guān)系(r=0.845,P<0.001),而與瘤周肝組織的體積之間則無(wú)顯著(zhù)相關(guān)性(r=-0.143, P>0.05)。結論 肝癌病人肝部分切除術(shù)后K明顯下降;與術(shù)前比較,術(shù)后K值的變化與腫瘤、丟失的正常肝組織體積之間的比值有關(guān)。
[關(guān)鍵詞]:吲哚氰綠(ICG indocyanine green)脈動(dòng)式分光光度法 肝切除術(shù)

Perioperative Liver Function in Hepatectomy and Its relationship with Resected Mass: a Preliminary Evaluation with ICG Pulse Spectrophotometry
Ai-Qun Zhang, Ning-Xin Zhou, Xiang-Qian Zhao, Bin Ni, Lan-Ying Zhang, Li-Jie Gao, Wen-Zhi Zhang 
Institute of Hepatobilliary Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, 100853
[Abstract]  Objective: To reevaluate the changes of liver function in early postoperative period after hepatectomy and its relationship with the size of tumor and resected liver tissue mass.
Methods: Besides regular biochemical tests of blood samples, liver function reserve indicated by plasma  clearance rate of ICG(K) was measured with pulse-dye densitometry before operation and 3, 7 days postoperatively in 18 patients aged 31-67 years, who were diagnosed as hepatocarcinoma and underwent liver resection of various extent. Volumes of resected tissue mass including tumor and its peripheral liver tissue were measured by displacing water ,and the volume of peripheral liver tissue was obtained as the total volume minus the tumor one. The changes of K after operation and its relationship with the resected tissue volume were analyzed statistically.
Results: There was a significant drop in K , from 0.192±0.021 before operation to 0.135±0.019 on postoperative day 3 (P<0.01), and then it remained low on postoperative day 7 (0.144±0.025, P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between values obtained on postoperative day 3 and those on day 7. The difference in K between preoperation and post-operative day 7 showed a significant linear correlation with the volume ratio of tumor to peripheral liver tissue (r=0.845,P<0.001), but not with volume of the latter which was resected simultaneously with tumor (r=-0.143, P>0.05).Conclusions: The perioperative assessment of ICG clearance rate by pulse-dye densitometry in patients with hepatocarcinoma revealed a significant decrease in early postoperative period, and the decline may not only depend on liver tissue loss during the operation, but also on the size of resected tumor.
[Key words] :indocyanine green; pulse spectrophotometry; hepatectomy

二十世紀六十年代初,Hunton[1]等首先利用吲哚氰綠評價(jià)肝臟功能;盡管學(xué)者們一直在尋找各種肝臟功能的檢查方法,但是吲哚氰綠排泄試驗被認為是評價(jià)肝臟儲備功能的重要試驗方法之一。有研究表明,術(shù)前利用吲哚氰綠排泄試驗評價(jià)肝臟功能對于指導術(shù)中切除肝臟實(shí)質(zhì)量有幫助,即切除肝臟實(shí)質(zhì)量的大小會(huì )影響預后[2,3]。
1. 儀器和試劑:DDG-3300K(日本光電工業(yè)株式會(huì )社生產(chǎn)),用805nm和940nm持續檢測血中ICG濃度;ICG注射液(25mg/支)購于遼寧省遼陽(yáng)第三制藥廠(chǎng)。
2. 測定ICG血漿消失率(K)的方法:
患者至少空腹4小時(shí)以上,用注射蒸餾水將ICG稀釋成5mg/ml,每例病人使用20mg ICG經(jīng)上臂靜脈團注,使用DDG-3300K配備的手指探頭檢測血中ICG濃度。注射ICG后大約6分鐘自動(dòng)計算出血漿ICG消失率(K)。每例患者分別在術(shù)前、術(shù)后第3天和術(shù)后第7天進(jìn)行ICG試驗。
3 .K值之差(術(shù)后第7天與術(shù)前)和切除的肝臟腫瘤體積與周?chē)闻K組織體積比值(TV/LV)的相關(guān)性:
4. K值之差(術(shù)后第7天與術(shù)前)與切除的腫瘤周?chē)闻K組織體積的相關(guān)性:
K值之差與切除的腫瘤周?chē)闻K組織體積無(wú)相關(guān)性(r=-0.143, P>0.05),見(jiàn)圖3。

圖1 術(shù)后第3天、術(shù)后第7天K較術(shù)前K下降,分別與術(shù)前K比較有統計學(xué)差異
圖2 術(shù)后第7天與術(shù)前K的差值(△K)和TV/LV的相關(guān)性(Y=0.025X-0.043; r=0.845, P<0.001.)。
(無(wú)相關(guān)性,r=-0.143, P>0.05)。
DDG分析儀是近年來(lái)開(kāi)發(fā)的,依據的色素稀釋法和脈動(dòng)分光光度原理,可以動(dòng)態(tài)、微創(chuàng )和方便檢測血中ICG濃度。有學(xué)者研究使用此儀器檢測的K與傳統ICG試驗的結果相關(guān)性良好[7]。
術(shù)后K下降與正常肝質(zhì)減少有主要關(guān)系,其他如肝臟血流、血容量的改變也會(huì )影響K值[10]。
1 Hunton DB, Bollman JL, Hoffman HN. Studies of hepatic function with indocyanine green.Gastroenterology 1960,39:713-724.
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